Lecture 2
Duke University
STA 101 - Fall 2023
d |>
unnest_tokens(word, concerns) |>
anti_join(stop_words) |>
count(word, sort = TRUE)
## Joining with `by = join_by(word)`
## # A tibble: 227 × 2
## word n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 coding 34
## 2 class 12
## 3 concerned 11
## 4 nervous 10
## 5 programming 9
## 6 math 8
## 7 understand 8
## 8 bit 7
## 9 experience 7
## 10 learning 6
## # ℹ 217 more rows
75% so far no stats and no coding background/experience!
Go to Posit Cloud and start the project titled ae-02-Flint.